We fielded a series of questions at a recent event about how we came up with two of our newer products, the Stable Cable and the Upright Dashboard. We're flattered that people are curious and are ore than happy to share these short anecdotes. Thank you for your interest. 

Stable Cable
Having a slight case of Vertigo, I sometimes feel uncertain on my feet around a boat dock. This simple condition was the inspiration for creating Stable Cable.

As I worked through the first two versions, I collected feedback from young and old alike, and these opinions led to the final iteration; a simple rope that moves with you as you shift your weight from one platform to another.

Offering sure footing on and around slippery surfaces can add peace of mind for everyone involved as your guests enjoy your hospitality.

Stable Cable is a valuable part of our portfolio as we work to provide more than unique decorative products. We are working on additional safety accessories as we gather feedback from our customers and friends in the lake community. 

Upright Dashboard           
Out of the blue, I was approached by a customer in Okoboji who has enjoyed his Padded Wraps for many months. He introduced me to a good friend who is a Hot Air Balloon pilot. We got together to discuss the idea of adding transparent pockets to the Padded Wrap to attach to his balloon upright. He thought it might provide a certain efficiency to his flights and would also add a layer of safety for his expensive electronics.

At first, I thought he was full of hot air, but quickly realized that this idea might actually take off. After working together through a few iterations, we landed on the current version (3.0). I’ve been collaborating with additional pilots on modifications for the next version of the Upright Dashboard.
Adding this product to our portfolio helps us serve land, sea, and air. Not sure if that actually matters to anyone, but it is very gratifying to take an idea and turn it into something useful. If the Upright Dashboard solves a problem or improves a pilot’s experience, then we both win.

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August 03, 2022 — Tom Baker